Some of the missions we support are:
Food Closet Collections
Presbyterian Disaster Fund for natural disasters
Church World Service - Crop Walk
Medical Benevolence Foundation
Meeting Ground - homeless shelter
Seaman's Center - Port of Wilmington
Peace and Global Witness Offering
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
Women's Group - Adopt-A-Family and Penny Collection
Vacation Bible School Projects
Giving to the local and global community is a serious commitment in New Castle Presbyterian Church members.
"...inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
-Matthew 25:45
25 E 2nd STREET, NEW CASTLE, DE 19720
We are New Castle Presbyterian Church. We are believers in God and followers of Jesus, who seek the Spirit's guidance in and through us. We believe God is still speaking and shaping God's people.
We are a church with a long history, who seeks to respond to present realities, in order to be a church with a future.
We are a church family of all ages and stages, with a deep care for one another and a wide welcome to all people.
Here's how our 2016 Mission Statement says it:
We are a nurturing and supportive church community where all are welcomed to join in prayer and song, study and service as all are called to demonstrate understanding, compassion, and acceptance.
By God's Spoken Word and Holy Spirit, we seek to live out the Gospel of the Risen Christ, as we grow spiritually, in strength, and with inclusiveness. We worship God in simplicity and with clarity; we study God's Word to direct our lives; and we nurture the young and the searchers in our midst.
As a congregation and in cooperation with others, we engage in service and outreach with the local community and the world. We work to feed, clothe, and shelter our brothers and sisters while sharing the selfless and forgiving love of Jesus Christ.
As we have been blessed, we seek to use all that we have to bless others with this good news of grace and joy.