Some of the missions we support are:
Food Closet Collections
Presbyterian Disaster Fund for natural disasters
Church World Service - Crop Walk
Medical Benevolence Foundation
Meeting Ground - homeless shelter
Seaman's Center - Port of Wilmington
Peace and Global Witness Offering
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
Women's Group - Adopt-A-Family and Penny Collection
Vacation Bible School Projects
Giving to the local and global community is a serious commitment in New Castle Presbyterian Church members.
"...inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
-Matthew 25:45
25 E 2nd STREET, NEW CASTLE, DE 19720
We hope you will!
Welcome to New Castle
Presbyterian Church!
What to expect on a Sunday morning.
More information to follow!
Worship begins at 10:30 am each Sunday in our 1707 Meeting House. Click here for directions.
Come as you are and park where you can! Street parking only is available, including handicapped parking spaces in front of the church. Come as you are! People dress in a wide variety of styles. Be comfortable and be yourself!
As you arrive, an usher will greet you with a bulletin with the worship service order. Large print bulletins are also available. Sit wherever you like! Hymnals and Bibles are located in each pew. Visitor Welcome Cards and Prayer Request Cards are in the pew racks in front of you. Fill them out as you like, and give to the usher when they come to receive the offering.
Our worship service follows a traditional format - but we are not formal about it. Members of the congregation stand to offer announcements, and we share written prayer requests to be shared during prayer time. A different member of the congregation serves as a worship leader with the pastor each Sunday. We greet each other enthusiastically as the service begins. And during the service, laughter is heard and welcomed.
Children are welcome in worship. Worship Bags with child-friendly activities are available from the ushers as you arrive. A "Scripture Conversation" time with children happens each Sunday, after which children head off to Sunday School with our Sunday School Coordinator and teaching assistants. Nursery care for children birth to four-years is also staffed each week.
Music is an important part of our worship. We sing hymns as acts of praise and prayer. Our choir sings each week in a variety of musical styles. Our bell choir also offers their musical gifts throughout the year.
Scripture and sermon are shared each week, as we look to God's word to speak to us still. We look for connections between the Bible and the realities we face today, in our personal lives, our community, our nation, and the world.
Prayers are offered each Sunday. Prayer Request cards are in the pew racks. If handed to an usher as the offering received, the pastor will include these requests in the Prayers of the People.
An offering is received each Sunday to support the mission and ministry of New Castle Presbyterian Church. Information of all the ways we seek to live and serve can be found by clicking here.
We look forward to welcoming you! If you are interested in learning more about this congregation and our ministry, please contact Pastor Miriam Foltz at pastor@newcastlepreschurch.org so we can talk about it!