Some of the missions we support are:
Food Closet Collections
Presbyterian Disaster Fund for natural disasters
Church World Service - Crop Walk
Medical Benevolence Foundation
Meeting Ground - homeless shelter
Seaman's Center - Port of Wilmington
Peace and Global Witness Offering
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
Women's Group - Adopt-A-Family and Penny Collection
Vacation Bible School Projects
Giving to the local and global community is a serious commitment in New Castle Presbyterian Church members.
"...inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
-Matthew 25:45
25 E 2nd STREET, NEW CASTLE, DE 19720
We hear God's call, and follow Jesus' way, as we serve those in need.
Our giving is both financial support and hands-on service with the following:
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"Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."
- Matthew 25:45
NCPC is a Matthew 25 Congregation, committed to building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty. Or as Jesus put it: loving our neighbors, especially our neighbors in need, as ourselves. Here are the mission partners that we serve alongside to share the love of Jesus:
We serve meals at shelters and donate to clothing- and sock-drives for Friendship House Clothing Bank.
Proceeds from our annual Spirit of Christmas event support this ministry to those in need of crisis shelter, transitional housing, and job training.
A service provided by The Ministry of Caring
We provide meals once per month for this feeding program in downtown Wilmington.
Meals On Wheels Delaware (MOWD) provides financial resources to meal-delivery programs statewide that offer nutritious meals and independence to homebound seniors. We support these efforts through events, which raise awareness and funds to provide resources needed to alleviate hunger and loneliness for seniors throughout Delaware. Volunteer opportunities for individuals, groups, and businesses are available throughout each year.
We prepare "ditty boxes" each year for the Christmas at Sea program for seamen arriving at the Port of Wilmington, who are often away from home for many months at a time.
We have supported their summer camp program for Wilmington youth, by donating art supplies and hosting camp staff for meals.
Having received a "Spark Missional Ministry Grant*" from the New Castle Presbytery in 2018, we designed a program of both financial investment and personal involvement in the elementary schools along the Route 9 corridor in New Castle.
*The program provides resources to Ignite the spark of mission and ministry.
Through special offerings and in response to crises in our nation and throughout the world, we support the work of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to bring hope in the midst of the chaos that disasters, natural and human, can bring.
We support mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly and the New Castle Presbytery.
We support the following special offerings of the Presbyterian Church (USA):
Peace and Global Witness Offering
Each year, our Vacation Bible School designates a recipient of our offering throughout the week. Past projects have included: